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The Smoke Alarm

Some people feel they have a barrier in their life that prevents them from being able to implement healthy habits, such as exercise. Many of these barriers would actually be improved with more daily activity and whole foods in their diet. Some (mostly imagined) barriers include…

  • I don’t have time to work out

  • I’m too tired to work out

  • I don’t know how to cook healthy food

  • I don’t have time to sleep 7+ hours a night

These types of self-defeating ideas are not helpful and are really just clues as to what you need to change. Symptoms like chronic fatigue is like your body’s smoke alarm going off. When you hear the BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP in the middle of the night do you just take out the batteries and go back to sleep? NO!! You check for smoke! You put out the fire! 

We sometimes act like these issues come from nowhere, but they do not. There is a reason you are tired all the time. Before you seek out a shortcut, implement things into your life that help you get more energy! Unless you are already exercising regularly, eating whole healthy foods, coping with stress in a healthy way, and allowing yourself enough time in bed every night, don’t consider any shortcuts.

When trying to live a healthier life, fix the things that are currently stopping you first! The most common barrier is time. People don’t feel like they have time to work out and cook healthy food. I hear this the most from moms and it makes me so sad! Mama- you are important too! We look at our schedule filled with work, kids activities, taking care of the house, and on and on… My opinion on this matter may be unpopular, but I’m going to say it anyway. 


So simple, but it can be so difficult. This means you may have to say no to some things. You may not be able to volunteer for all the things. You kids may need to choose one activity to do at a time. You simply don't have more than 24 hours in a day, and if you don't have time to work out, your schedule simply must change. Maybe your workouts are an hour long, maybe they are only 20-30 minutes. What matters is that you have the time in your schedule to take care of you.

It is so tempting to focus on the other members in the family and make sure they are clothed, fed, and signed up for all the sports and all the lessons that you want them to be in. But if the result of that is that Mom is out of shape, not taking care of herself, stressed to the max, and not getting the rest she needs… what’s the point? Personally, I’m a much better mom when I’m well rested and taking care of my physical needs. Because that’s what eating well and exercising actually are. They are not luxuries. They are necessities to keep a healthy weight for you, keep your joints and organs healthy, and to be able to keep up with your kids and watch them grow into beautiful humans well into the future!

What is your smoke alarm?   …are you going to put out the fire?


I still have 3 spots available in my coaching program this month. If you’ve been wanting to make some healthy changes in your life, don’t wait until the problems show up. Start now and prevent them from happening in the first place! 

Email me to start my 12 Week Online Health Coaching Program

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